Sunday, May 13, 2012 home of The Mad Ape - Radio Spot

A few weeks ago I won a significant amount of money in the lottery. Now that the party is over it is time to move forward with the rest of my life.

I have hummed and hawed for a few days now on how to spend some of this money and have decided to direct it to my website and really ramp up my attacks on the New World Order.

One of my crazy idea was to do radio ads on mainstream stations. With that in mind I have hired a radio personality out of LA and produced this spot that will now air home of The Mad Ape - Radio Spot

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

HSBC Bank is a Criminal Enterprise

HSBC Bank is a Criminal Enterprise, so says former Vice President and Relationship Manager John Cruz. Mr. Cruz has gone public and turned over to more than 1,000 pages of documents to World News Daily.

In an exclusive interview with Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D. Mr. Cruz had explained in great detail how HSBC Bank launders money.


All that I can say is WOW. People need to go to jail but I bet that the criminals in charge will come after John Cruz for releasing information

HSBC Bank is a Criminal Enterprise

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Putting Students at the Center of a Maelstrom. Exposing Incompetence and Corruption in the New Brunswick Government with respect to Education

Editors Note: Today's posting is from Jane of the Jungle, a person with firsthand knowledge of the ineffectiveness of the David Alward Government when it comes to Education in New Brunswick.

Between Premier David Alward and Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development Jody Carr, the New Brunswick Education system has turned into a bureaucratic nightmare, and yes, where government is involved...scandal in the form of patronage and cronyism at the expense of students and

Putting Students at the Center of a Maelstrom.

Friday, May 4, 2012

André Faust exposes Fat Cats Occupying the Fredericton Planning Advisory Committee

The Fat Cats of Fredericton have their own Occupy Movement: It appears that some citizens have occupied the Planning Advisory Committee so they can vote for development projects that they will own and will profit from.

Yeah that is how the greasy wheels of Fat Fred City turn. Where is the Mayor in all of this? How can a mayor that boasts of a good track record say that this is good governance?

Maybe everything is on the up and up BUT not only does good governance have to be ethical and

André Faust exposes Fat Cats Occupying the Fredericton Planning Advisory Committee

Ground Zero for Fascism in the USA: The Utah Data Center

The Utah Data Center is another sign we are heading towards a full blown dictatorship in America. Think Romney will make a difference, wait and see who he has brought on board as "advisors"

Reporter PKG for Infowars reporter contest on the Utah Data Center, a 1-million square foot NSA facility being built south of Salt Lake City, Utah, and includes information about a connection to the LDS Church. Includes interviews with military, police, legal and academic officials familiar with the

Ground Zero for Fascism in the USA: The Utah Data Center

Bob Tuskin Speaks with Andrew Basiago: Time Travel and Project Pegasus

Andrew Basiago shares his story of time travel and Project Pegasus with activist and radio host Bob Tuskin.

Very interesting info. What do you think? We'd like to get your opinions on this info.

Real or Disinfo? Sorry for audio issues this was an impromptu recording by a third party.

This post is courtesy of Robbie the

Bob Tuskin Speaks with Andrew Basiago: Time Travel and Project Pegasus

ALERT: Entire Northern Hemisphere at risk of extinction level event from Fukushima Daiichi Reactor Unit 4.

Want some real doom to end your week? Arnie Gunderson, Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Energy Education, has spoken publicly about the consequences of a collapse of Fukushima Daiichi Reactor Unit 4.
Gundersen at ~25:00 minute mark

There’s more cesium in that fuel pool than in all 800 nuclear bombs exploded above ground…

But of course it would happen all at once.

It would certainly destroy Japan as a functioning country…

Move south of the equator if that ever happened, I think

ALERT: Entire Northern Hemisphere at risk of extinction level event from Fukushima Daiichi Reactor Unit 4.

Keith Francis Scott: Give me back my gold

Benjamin Fulford has published this jibber jabber today and, while it is an interesting read, I say FAT CHANCE that this will go anywhere.

Maybe my lawyer can tell me if this is legit. Inquiring minds want to know!
Affidavit of Obligation

Commercial Lien

(This is a verified plain statement of fact)


All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Truth as a valid statement

Flush the mush from your mind ...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Infiltrated Nation: Ex-NSA confirms that NSA is illegally collecting data on everyone

It sure is fun to hear from the horses mouths, ex-NSA agents, discussing/exposing the simply GINORMOUS NSA facility in Utah that is collecting data, emails, phone calls, financial statements on American citizens- and the likelihood that they will use this information against, you know, We The People. Such fun. Ranks right up there with lobotomies. Speaking of lobotomy victims, apparently The 4th amendment no

Infiltrated Nation: Ex-NSA confirms that NSA is illegally collecting data on everyone

Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America

Yet more proof of the illegitimate US Government. Here is a leaked U.S. Army document that outlines plan for the establishment of re-education camps in America.

If you disagree with Big Brother this is the fate that awaits you.


US Army-Internment

Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America