Former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinksi has warned Washington not to attack Iran
Bilderberger Brzezinksi: USA will not support Israel if they attack Iran. They are on their own.
Who Dat Mad Ape? He saves mush minds! There is a war on for your mind. The Corpo-Fascist Empire that is being built around us is a scientific financial dictatorship. In this system of governance the global corporations write the laws, the politicians are their bought and paid for lap dogs, while security forces such as the police, military, and black ops are the enforcement arm…the muscle. Welcome to the New World Order.
Bilderberger Brzezinksi: USA will not support Israel if they attack Iran. They are on their own.
Canada's ruling Conservative Party involved in massive election fraud?
@Wikileaks insurance file Contents to be revealed at 08:00h UTC-4hr
Establishment Media Ignores Massive Ron Paul Veterans and Active Duty Soldiers March
In Defiance of Commanders, Active Military March on White House in support of Ron Paul
Aware, alert, and paying attention: The Coming USS Enterprise False Flag.